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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Serving Those Who Served Us 

Caris Healthcare is proud to be participating partners in the We Honor Veterans program. In 2015 all Caris Healthcare offices achieved level four status, the highest level of achievement in the We Honor Veterans program. As each Caris office opens they will accept the challenge to fulfill the requirements of the We Honor Veterans Level 4 designation. Caris’ commitment to the We Honor Veterans program demonstrates its commitment to supporting veterans by meeting their unique needs and the needs of their families in the end-of-life journey.

As a We Honor Veterans partner, Caris makes a strong effort to incorporate our patient's military service into their plan of care. Many of our veteran patients are presented with gifts created by our volunteers to honor their service. Caris had a patient who was presented with a red, white and blue handmade blanket from a special projects volunteer. He enjoyed the blanket so much; it turned into part of his daily uniform as it hung across his wheelchair. One day our Caris nurse was having a hard time getting this patient to wear his oxygen. The patient was a fighter pilot in the Air Force and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. The nurse reminded him that they were waiting on him at the flight deck and he needed to have his uniform on to be ready to fly. She also reminded him he could not fly without his oxygen in place. The patient quickly put on his oxygen and said, “Prepare the men for inspection and report to the flight deck!” The patient wore his oxygen the rest of the day.